In our center we also provide psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy sessions for adults and adolescents in order to support individuals to be better able to deal with and overcome emotionally, intellectually, and behaviorally stressful periods. Most commonly individuals apply for depression, anxiety, living with chronic diseases, relational problems at family or at work, pre and postnatal stress or having a child with special needs. With the help of nonjudgemental, neutral and confidential space provided by the relationship with the therapist, one can be able to work on own issues and get through them by making them meaningful.

Play Therapy

Play is special for all the children. Not only is it fun, but it is critical for their development. Play is their “work” and their way of learning about the world around them. Through play, babies and toddlers try out new skills, explore their imagination and creativity, and learn about relationships with other people.

Any activity can be playful to young children, whether it’s rolling trucks back and forth or sorting socks. Any type of play can offer multiple opportunities to learn and practice new skills:

As a parent, you are your child’s very first and favorite playmate. From the very beginning of your child’s life, he is playing with you, whether he is watching your face as you feed him or listening and exploring.

In our center, we support children to fullfilll their full capacities through play therapy.

Play Therapy helps children systematically address and resolve their own problems. Since play is fun, it makes it easier for children to confront what is bothering them. Play therapy allows them a safe psychological distance from their problems and help them find solutions to their problems and allows them to express their true thoughts and feelings in ways best suited to their development level.

Play can serve as a valid instrument through which children reflect their unconscious fears, anxieties, and inner conflicts. By following the themes developed by the child during play and the relationship developed between the child and the therapist, one can help the family overcome the effects of conflictual emotional problems of the child or the parent-child interactive difficulties.

Mother-Toddler Therapy

Following a careful clinical observation and assessment, social, emotional and behavioral problems of toddlers are worked through the medium of the relationship between mother toddler and the therapist via the applications of attachment theory.